The Association Buddhas’ Practice Incorporated (BPI) registered in November, 2019, ABN: 30 567 859 041, is now an Australian Charities and Not-for-profits organization located in Darwin, Australia.

As a Not-for-Profit charity, we Undertake activities that are consistent with promoting and practising the Buddhist religion in the name of BPI’s Constitution, taking into account all the precepts, all the Meditations and all the Wisdoms.

On this journey, we set forth with Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Giving based on the following solutions:
  Step 1: Ten Wholesome Deeds & Three Primal Precepts
  Step 2: Meditation & Yoga.

Our people can be grouped as 3: Committee Members, BTRC Preachers and Members.
Our Committee Members, namely our employees are made of unpaid volunteers.
For the BTRC Preachers, there are 8 as on the webpage:https://www.bpi2019.org.au/preachers
Until now, we have 75 members based in Australia, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan.
Around 50 members have been studying Buddhist Teachings in our Association on daily basis.
Both our intention and practice are based on Buddhas' Practice. On this journey, we set forth with Kindness, Compassion, Joy and Giving. Accordingly, we swear to join this Association and keep all its rules and regulations with a will. Taking full advantage of mutual encouraging, inspiring and supervising, we strive to accomplish the Buddha Path swiftly.

The Association is established to be a charity whose purpose is to advance Buddhism by:

  • Providing Buddhist teachings

  • Leading Buddhist worship and other Buddhist religious activities

  • Undertaking other activities that are consistent with promoting and practising the Buddhist religion.

  • Undertaking the Buddhas’ Will, committed to Buddhas’ Teachings

  • Awaken the thought of enlightenment of living beings in the dark

  • Spread Buddhas’ Understanding, Buddhas’ View, Buddhas’ Wisdom

  • In order to be aware of and realize the ways or paths of practices.