Created by Bennie Spirit, the Advisor of Buddhas’ Practice IncorporatedTranslated into English by HE, YUPING (Enid) on Sept 1, 2024
誓愿;为救拔苦难众生而速证无上正等菩提,分担诸佛陪伴度化之重任。Vow:In order to rescue beings...
(Definition of Wholesome Man)Translated by HE, YUPING (Enid)According to the instructions of the Advisor of Buddhas’ Practice Incorporated
Thus have I heard:Once upon a time,...
Ritual to Observe Eight Precepts
Translated into English by HE, YUPING (Enid) on June 24, 2024
My name is so-and-so.I only hope that the master will...
When people with different preferences interact,conflicts can arise due to these differences.It's hard to understand others' experiences,because we each see the world through our...
Furthermore, Heir of Buddha! The wisdoms of Buddhas can exist everywhere.Why? Everybody is born with Buddhas’ wisdom. They cannot attain it just because their...