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3 Types of Inborn Wisdoms

3 Types of Inborn Wisdoms


Furthermore, Heir of Buddha! The wisdoms of Buddhas can exist everywhere.
Why? Everybody is born with Buddhas’ wisdom. They cannot attain it just because their own False Thinking, Deviant Views and Attachments.
If they leave them behind, All Wisdom, Wisdom to Know Everything Naturally and Wisdom without Obstructions manefist.


Heir of Buddha, the Buddhas’ Wisdom is also like this, infinite and without hindrance, complete in every living being, which can benefit every living being universally.
However, living beings are occupied by False Thinking and Attachments, unconscious and unaware; So, they cannot benefit from it.


Unbelievable! How can these sentient beings possess the wisdom of the Tathagata and yet be so ignorant and deluded they neither know nor see? I will teach them the divine way, so that they will forever be free from False Thinking and Attachments, and they will be able to see the vast wisdom of the Tathagata in them, which is no different from that of the Buddha.

諸佛大慈悲,  令其除妄想,

All the Buddhas, with great compassion and Kindness, Remove all the False Thinking of Bodhisattvas living beings

如是乃出現,  饒益諸菩薩。

With the reason to benefit all the Bodhisattvas, they appear in the world.

Quoted from Tathagata Appears of The Avatamsaka Sutra, Part 2, Chapter 37, Volume 52

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