Why Greed Produces the Eight Sufferings

Huaigu Wang
Huaigu Wang
Since 1995 till now, I have been following the kind mentor of BPI to start the journey on Buddhism....Read More

  —- Keynote: Why Greed Brings the Suffering of Sickness
  (6th Period)

  Instructor: Shi Wuguang

  Author: Wang Huaigu

  September 6, 2012

  No matter what kind of person one is, as long as one plays greed , one is bound to have eight sufferings. This is the unbreakable truth of the universe and life. In that case, a wise person will have his own wise choice whether to follow the vexation of greed or to follow Buddha’s wisdom. If you stay away from greed, you will stay away from the eight sufferings!

  Key words: greed, eight sufferings, truth, wisdom, wise choice

  Chapter 1 Introduction

  Section 1: Research Motivation

  All suffering arises from greed. Greed must cause all sentient beings to produce the eight sufferings. But why does greed cause all sentient beings to produce the eight sufferings? Therefore, this research topic arises. In this study, this topic will be carefully analyzed and investigated.

  Section 2: Research Purpose

  All greed is my great complaint. There are many kinds of greed, such as greed for pampering, greed for favor, greed for coaxing, greed for food, greed for lust, greed for sleep, greed for fame, greed for profit and so on. Whatever the type of greed is, it causes all sentient beings to have eight sufferings. But what is the reason for this? As a learner of Buddhism, it is important to know not only the cause but also the reason for it.
  Therefore, the purpose of this research is to focus on the root causes that greed cause all sentient beings to produce the eight sufferings .

  Section 3: Research method

  If we want to understand the root causes that greed causes all sentient beings to produce the eight sufferings, we need to do so through appropriate approach and methods. This research is a detailed analysis and investigation based on my own personal experiences, Buddhist scriptures, medical science, health science, science and news, etc.

  Chapter 2: Why Greed Causes Sentient Beings to Produce the Eight Sufferings

  After the previous discussion on greed, we all know that all sufferings arise from greed entirely. Greed will definitely cause all sentient beings to produce the eight sufferings, and it will definitely bring them eight sufferings. But why does greed bring about the eight sufferings? This has not been explored before. Therefore, in this article, I will analyze and explore this topic with you.
  Let’s review what is greed. Greed is to take the illusion as the real existence, and the mistaken belief that one can obtain it. Greed is a thief that not only controls oneself, but also fixes oneself and leads oneself to harm oneself. There are many kinds of greed, such as greedy for favor, greedy for attention, greedy for coaxing, greedy for food, greedy for sex, greedy for sleep, greedy for fame, greedy for profit, greedy for object, sound, fragrance, taste, touch and so on. No matter what kind of greed is involved, it will lead to the eight sufferings of all sentient beings: the suffering of not being able to get what you seek, the suffering of lovers’ leaving and separation, the suffering of encountering resentment and hatred, the suffering of being intense in the five skandhas, the suffering of sickness, the suffering of downfall and aging, the suffering of death and the suffering of birth. In this article, I will try to focus on why greed causes the eight sufferings.

  Section I General Introduction

  If a sentient being covets a favorite taste or a favorite food, he or she will only feel it for a very short time. After eating, the food and taste disappears. People will go after more food and taste. If they don’t get it, they will have the suffering of not being able to get it, the suffering of lovers’ leaving and separation, and the suffering of encountering resentment and hatred. This lack of peace in the mind and always being pulled and entangled by food naturally give rise to the suffering of being intense in the five skandhas.
  If we don’t control our greed and are insatiable, if we crave the salty, sweet, spicy, sour, and certain kinds of food, we will create countless evil karmas of greed. And when one’s mind is taken away by appetite, one is not interested in learning, not interested in cultivating the path to Buddhahood, and eventually one loses one’s the cause of the path to Buddhahood completely.
  This is just as the Buddha said, “It is like a bad horse that is not controlled by the bridle , and it will lead one into a dangerous hole. If one does not control greed, one will be pulled down by the evil horse of greed into the abyss, and not only will one not achieve anything, but one will fall into the eight sufferings and suffer infinitely.
  First of all, I would like to talk about why greed causes all sentient beings to produce the eight sufferings from an incident I personally experienced. The best proof of this is my own personal experience.
  One day at lunch, I noticed that there was no salt in the soybean soup. I was shocked by greed: What happened? How could it not satisfy my small request? But then I thought, “It’s a good idea to subdue my greed, and a little less salt is better for my body. So I ate the soup without salt in my bowl.But at the same time, I couldn’t help but add some salt to the unsalted soup in the other bowl. At that time, I realized that my body and mind were a contradictory body and mind, and that I had unconsciously followed greed. But when I finally drank it, it was a little bit saltier, and the devil of greed thought it was not quite right, and it felt sorry for it, but I only let it regret, I also don’t care about it, anyway I know, it can’t do anything to me, because it is it, I am me, it is just an illusional phenomenon, I am the indestructible self nature.
  So I further thought that this one greed would lead to the latter eight sufferings. Why? The mere fact that the taste of saltiness is not to my liking, and that my greed is not all that demanding in terms of color, aroma, taste and shape, has made my life so difficult and uncomfortable about eating in a short period of time, and I have so many worries and contradictions in my heart. Think about it: how can people not age when they use up so much brain power, energy, physical strength and material resources? There will be the suffering of downfall and aging. I know that more salt is harmful to my body, but I still eat it with greed, so how can I not get sick?
  The suffering of Sickness will also come. If we continue to crave more and more for a long time, the body will naturally be overwhelmed and will not be able to bear it, how can we not get ill or die? Moreover, according to the rule of cause and effect, we will be eaten in the future, and everywhere we go, we will be eaten to die bite by bite.
  Since the seeds of greed have been planted, when they bear fruit, they will carry on the next life with these greedy karmas, how can we not be born? The suffering of birth appears consequently at the moment. Because of greed, one is bound to suffer all the suffering that comes from greed.
  Just a small taste of greed will lead to the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness, and death in the body.
  If we look back and analyze the feelings at that time, is this greed only a physical suffering?The psychological suffering was also there. At that time, I thought, “How come the taste is so weak? The suffering of not being able to get what I sought. How come the taste is not the light salty taste that I want? the suffering of lovers’ leaving and separation.
  Eating the bowl of rice in a light soup without salt, I seemed to be more open on the surface because I knew in my heart that the disease would be reduced a little and that more salt would be harmful to my body. But the greed in my bones still came up with a few thoughts: Why can’t I do this simple request of salty? I obviously wanted to add salt, but I forgot it, so I didn’t have the salty taste I wanted, but how come the light taste I did not want came? The suffering of encountering resentment and hatred had also come.
  When I finished eating, the mind of greed was still feeling this scene, it was so unpleasant, and it was still holding on to it. I must went eating a tomato to make up for the feeling of this loss! So, he went to the fridge and found a tomato. So, I went to the fridge and found a tomato. This calculation and tossing was a living reflection of the suffering of being intense in the five skandhas, wasn’t it?
  Just a small greed of taste will definitely lead to the physical suffering of birth, old age, sickness and death, as well as the psychological suffering of not being able to get what one seeks, the suffering of lovers’ leaving and separation, the suffering of encountering resentment and hatred, the suffering of being intense in the five skandhas, suffering and suffering are intertwined.
  In fact, as long as everyone has greed in their hearts, these sufferings will naturally follow them, like a shadow that follows the body and cannot be escaped. I would like to ask the reader who is more sensitive to spirituality: Is this the case? If you have greed, you will naturally have the eight sufferings! Now the author will try to discuss this in more detail.

  Section 2: Detailed Discussion

  1. Greed produces the suffering of not being able to get what you seek

  The suffering of not being able to get what you seek is the suffering that all people can feel most easily and directly because of greed.
  For example, if A wants to eat a watermelon, and the watermelon is right in front of A’s eyes, A wants to eat it very much, but A loves to save face, so A thinks that if he acts so greedily now, people around him will think he is a greedy eater. Isn’t this a great loss of face?
  A is just for his own face, bears hard there. But in his heart, he really wants to eat it, but because of his face, he doesn’t dare to eat it. A produces the suffering of not being able to get what he desires for because of greed. Because of his greed for watermelon, he can only look at it now, but he cannot eat it. This is to have the suffering of not being able to get what he seeks.
  Why? It is because of greedy , being greedy for watermelon, and greedy for face, so naturally he has the suffering of not being able to get what he seeks. That is, people often say that they want to save face firmly, but suffers a lot livelily.
  If sentient beings do not have the mind of greed, there will be naturally no such suffering of not being able to get what they seek.

  2. Greed creates the suffering of lovers’leaving and separation

  In addition to the suffering of not being able to get what one seeks, greed also leads to the suffering of lovers’ leaving and separation. Let’s continue with the example of A’s greed for watermelon. A finally had a chance to eat a watermelon after B had left, but C accidentally took it and ate it. A’s favorite, after waiting so long, was eaten by C unexpectedly. A’s heart was immediately flooded with sufferings, was this the suffering of lovers’ leaving and separation caused by greed?
  If sentient beings do not have the mind of greed, there will be no such suffering of lovers’ leaving and separation naturally.

  3. Greed will produce the suffering of encountering the resentment and hatred

  Let’s continue with the previous example of A’s greed for watermelon. Since C ate A’s favorite, C became A’s enemy, because she ate A’s favorite. Moreover, after eating it, C stayed by the side of A, and would not leave. Although A hates her , he is too embarrassed to drive her away. Then because of greed, A adds to the suffering of encountering resentment and hatred.
  If sentient beings did not have the mind of greed, there would be not the suffering of encountering encountering the resentment and hatred,

  4. Greed creates the suffering of being intense in the five skandhas

  Let’s continue with the example of A’s greed for watermelon. Because his favorite watermelon was eaten by someone else, and the other person didn’t take it seriously, A felt bad about it and kept making a fuss about it, and his reactions to form, feeling, thinking, action, and consciousness were all particularly strong and agitated. Isn’t this the suffering of being intense in the five skandhas that arises from greed? It is the suffering of the intense manifestation of suffering in the five skandhas: form, feeling, thinking, action, and consciousness.
  If sentient beings did not have the mind of greed, there would be no such suffering of being intense in the five skandhas.
  If we reflect on this, we can see that the attack of a greedy thief makes a certain person A live in an abyss of suffering, and for the love of face, he does not dare to be greedy in front of others, so he endures it and this is called the suffering of not being able to get what one seeks. When he has the opportunity to eat the tasty, but the tasty is eaten by others around him, he suffers from lover’s leaving and separation, and he suffers from encountering gathering of resentment and hatred. If the inner mind keeps on stirring and stirring, the suffering of being intense in the five skandhas will come.
  Does greed only produce these psychological sufferings? The answer is: No.

  5. Greed produces the suffering of sickness

  Let’s continue with the example of A’s greed for watermelon. All sentient beings are like A. Even if they can’t eat it at that time, they will try every possible way to get it in the end. So they can’t let go of their craving for food or even their total craving for food, and they must eat, eat well, and eat enough. So the suffering of sickness naturally comes, and one eats to the hospital.
  But sentient beings do not even know that greed can cause so many sufferings of sickness. In the Sutra on Buddhist Medicine Spoken by the Buddha, the Buddha mentions, “Eating too much has five offenses: first, sleeping a lot; second, being sick a lot; third, being sexual a lot; fourth, not being able to read and recite the sutras; and fifth, being obsessed with the world a lot.
  What are the reasons? A person is greedy for sex, a person knows the taste of what the other body brings, an angry person only knows that he can’t let others get benefits, and a foolish person knows the taste of food and the greed of tasty food and drink. The Buddha is teaching us that just one greed for food will bring many diseases and we have to suffer from illness, the dharmas are originally such.
  In the Sutra on Buddhist Medicine Spoken by the Buddha, the Buddha also mentions that there are ten causes and conditions of getting illness: “First, sitting for a long time without food; second, having no aversion to food ; third, being sad; fourth, being extremely tired; fifth, being sexual ; sixth, being angry…” From the above quotation, it can be seen that if one has no aversion to food and such other reasons, the suffering of illness is caused.
  Imagine: not only do ordinary sentient beings have no aversion to food, but they also love it especially, and they are particularly greedy and have eyes only for it. The number of sufferings of sicknesses is so great that the hospital beds are overflowing and cannot accommodate more and more patients.
  In addition, it is said in the Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Bodhisattva: ” To gluttons he says that hunger, thirst and sicknesses of the throat will be the retribution.” If you don’t know the amount of food and drink and don’t have a degree, you will get hunger, thirst and throat diseases.
  In the Sutra of the Buddha’s Explanation for the Elder Shou Jia of Distinctions in Karmic Retribution, it is also said, “There are ten more karmas that can cause sentient beings to suffer from many diseases …. The tenth one is the one who has not yet eliminated the cause and condition of the past food and will eat again.” One of the retributions that can cause sentient beings to be sickly is that they will get sick if they eat again after eating food but the food has not been digested. Therefore, if one does not know how to control the amount of food, that is, if one plays greed, it will directly lead to physical illness.
  Furthermore, in the Sutra of Brief Discipline When the Buddha Was Near Under Nirvana, the Buddha says that one should not be greedy for the amount of food. “Like a wise man who measures the strength of an ox and does not let it go too far in order to exhaust his strength. Just like a wise man who uses an ox to carry something, he will see how much the ox can bear and not overdo it, so that the ox cannot bear it and its strength will be exhausted. The same is true when we eat. We should not be greedy in the amount of food we eat, and we should not eat so much that our body cannot afford it.
  Why can’t we eat too much? Because saturation will bring a lot of harm to their bodies, will bring a lot of burden to the gastrointestinal, then form of toxins in the body, and do harm to the body’s organs.
  Then why is it that gluttony, over-eating and over-supplying have such harmful effects and cause so much suffering? The following is a detailed analysis with the help of some information from Buddhist scriptures, medicine, health science, science and news.
  Through modern medical pathology research ,it is found that if greedy eating, eating too much will bring many hazards to our body, such as damage to the spleen and stomach. Because the human body on the digestion, absorption, transport of food and drink mainly rely on the spleen and stomach to complete. But when it comes to what they love to eat, some people never care about the feelings of the spleen and stomach …In reality, he does not know that if he eats too much, it will increase the burden of digestion of the intestines and stomach, so that the secretion of digestive juices is reduced, which can easily lead to indigestion, and at the same time, if our stomach is often in a full state, in a state of high-intensity work, having no opportunity to rest, it is very easy to suffer from various stomach diseases.
  In addition, why are there more and more people with big bellies around? Because the current high-calorie diet makes the digestive system suffer a lot, the working hard digestive system will let the excess “workload” pile up in the body, obesity and overweight is “natural or go without saying”. Clinical medicine has confirmed that eating too much often can cause insulin, leptin secretion disorder, and is the main reason for obesity. The next is high blood fat, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, cancer and dementia, etc.!
  Secondly, eating too much can easily cause fatigue and affect work efficiency. This is because when we are full, the blood in the body will run to the gastrointestinal system to help work, which will easily put people in a state of fatigue and cause the brain to be slow to respond, and may accelerate the aging of the brain. This is the suffering of downfall and aging brought about by greed, which the author will continue to discuss later. Some experts have found that frequent overeating increases the growth factors in the brain, which reduces oxygen and nutrients to the brain, causing memory loss and dullness of thought.
  Therefore, beings who are greedy, unwise and unhealthy cannot live a happy life , but will only bring themselves endless illness and other sufferings.
  Many people are reluctant to exercise, and they just want to be comfortable and sit still, which will also bring a lot of sufferings of sickness , and even increase the probablity of death. The U.S. “Medical Billing and Coding” website has a report called “Sitting is Killing You”, which refers to people who sit for more than 6 hours a day, compared to people who sit for 3 hours a day, the chance of death after 15 years increased by 40%. And there are other studies pointing out that even if sedentary people have the habit of exercise, the chance of developing diabetes is as high as 90%, the death rate of heart disease will also increase by 18%, the average overall mortality rate is 24% higher than the general population.
  The damage to the human body caused by prolonged inactivity is enormous. In addition to bringing about the familiar lower limb paralysis ,edema, obesity, heart disease, and even diabetes and certain liver and kidney diseases, it is also easy to cause lesions in the lumbar spine and hip pain, which is better known as “sciatica”, and another disease related to the injury caused by prolonged sitting is called “cauda equina syndrome”.
  Greed also causes the virus to spread and escalate rapidly. As all Buddhists know that the spread of the virus must be accompanied by annoyance and bad karmas. Let’s take a look at the seriousness of the epidemic that we are all concerned about. The New Coronavirus has spread worldwide and as of today:The number of confirmed cases is 217.900.900, and the cumulative number of deaths is about 450,000, which is indeed alarming.
  The epidemic has been going on for about 20 months, and the actual epidemic is still intensifying. According to reports, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases in South Africa said that local scientists have discovered a new strain of the New Coronavirus variant “C.1.2”, which may be more transmissible than the previous Delta variant. It may also make existing vaccines more difficult to combat.
  Infectious disease scientists involved in the study said the findings reflect that the pandemic is still a long way from being over and that the new coronavirus is still looking for ways to spread more easily, with more mutated strains expected to emerge in the future. According to the Buddha’s teachings, these are the bad consequences of bad karmas such as greed!
  Also, if someone eats specially, prefers specially a particular food, they are bound to get sick, and they get sick fast.
  Fructose hurts the liver. For example, those especially like to eat fructose, because eating fructose hurts the liver and heart. This is because fructose does not stimulate blood sugar, for people with high carbohydrates, fructose will not feel satisfied, does not stimulate insulin, so eating it is difficult to meet their desires, but will stimulate the appetite to eat more.
  The most terrible thing is that fructose is the most difficult to be metabolized. Fructose metabolism is unable to enter the muscle cells, can not directly supply energy to the body, it can only go to one place that is the liver. Therefore, in a short period of time (a few months can be) intake of large amounts of fructose and glucose will be very easy to cause fatty liver, gout, even children can not avoid.
  The general public knows that alcohol hurts the liver, but many people do not know that fructose hurts the liver. In fact, fructose is just as harmful to the liver as alcohol, and fructose is the main culprit in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Someone fed fructose to rats, after 16 weeks of feeding, the changes in liver conditions are very scary, the formation principle of non-alcoholic fatty liver is this. Therefore, as long as someone eats fructose for several months, or glucose and fructose together, drink a lot of drinks, juices, or sweets, they will have a fatty liver.
  Fructose is also a major cause of many metabolic diseases. Fructose can make people eat more and more, fructose causes leptin resistance, fructose may directly cause gout, and if the liver processes too much fructose, it can cause high uric acid; lactic acid is produced by fructose metabolism, which inhibits the kidneys from excreting uric acid.
  Fructose can also cause high blood pressure, is also the culprit of heart disease, high blood cholesterol. Why? Because excessive intake of fructose, the liver will store a lot of fat, in addition to becoming fatty liver, there are generally two destinations: the first, to the whole body of adipose tissue, body fat ratio rises, everywhere is full of fat.The second, blood circulation, so the blood lipids (triglycerides) in the blood of the people will become very high, triglycerides is the killer of cardiovascular disease, will block people’s blood vessels.
  If you consume too much sugar, you can develop diabetes. The average person consumes about 149 pounds of sugar per year, but the body cannot consume that much sugar. Even baby food is full of high fructose corn syrup, fruit juices for children, sodas for adults, etc., all have too much sugar. But the body’s cells can’t handle that kind of problem, and it puts the cells in a state of exhaustion. So many people develop diabetes.
  Diabetes can cause a lot of damage and harm. For example, diabetes can destroy vision. Diabetes damages four types of tissues: the kidneys, the heart, the nervous system, and the eyes. There is one called diabetic retinopathy, which damages the retina. Diabetic patients are also prone to glaucoma, a condition in which the pressure inside the eye is so high that it blocks some of the small holes in the eye and prevents the fluid from draining out, causing backflow and damage to the eye nerves, most likely resulting in blindness. Why? The retina is the front line of the brain, and collects information and sends it to the brain. Too much blood sugar will damage the microscopic nerves in the eye, and damage to the nerves will lead to blindness. The eye may also have macular degeneration, and the back of the eye may not rotate well.Cataracts are an opaque cloud on the lens and often occur in pre-diabetes, diabetes, or insulin resistance. Therefore, too much blood sugar can damage a person’s vision.
  The more you are greedy of eating, the more harmful it is, how long do you want to harm yourself?
  Gluttony not only makes the body sick, but also makes the mind sick and makes people stupid. Many foods in life can indeed lead to serious mental decline, and are very scary, some diets will also hinder the development of human brain!
  I wonder if the reader has heard of 15 kinds of bad food that will cause people to become stupid? According to the introduction, there are these foods: 1. muffins 2. citrus soda drinks 3. artificial saccharin soda drinks 4. canned tuna 5. soy sauce 6. rib eye steak 7. frozen pies 8. cured meat 9. frozen pizza 10. ice cream 11. French fries 12. white rice 13. fruit juice 14. alcohol 15. doughnuts.
  For example, the first one, drinking artificial saccharin soda is terrible, it is harmful to memory and makes it difficult to concentrate on writing at work. Also, the seventh type of frozen pie, it will not only make people fat, but also cause serious damage to the brain. Regular consumption of the eighth type of ham, bacon, pork cold cuts ,pastrami and other cured meats will make people produce brain fog.
  There is also the 11th, fried foods, such as French fries, it will clog the arteries, will also increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and lead to cognitive decline. The 12th, certain high-carbohydrate foods, such as white rice and other white grain products, have been shown to have a negative impact on mental health.
  And then there’s number 13, fruit juice. Store-bought fruit juices are often too high in sugar, which is extremely detrimental to the brain. A diet high in sugar can lead to significant decreases in cognitive function, and can also affect a person’s long-term and short-term memory. The 14th type, alcohol, kills brain cells. Although this anecdote may seem dramatic, it is not exaggerated.
  And number 15, doughnuts. A medium-sized doughnut contains more than 12 grams of sugar and 7 grams of saturated fat, and two of the main harmful nutrients is to reduce cognitive function in the brain.
  If you add too much salt to a dish to feed the greed or craving, there will also be serious problems. Because the salty diet is very harmful to the body, will increase the metabolic pressure on the kidneys, and will increase blood pressure, affect the stomach, etc., and will bring a lot of sufferings of disease.
  According to textual research, being greedy for salt and eating more salt has seven major harmful effects on the body: 1. liver and kidney disease 2. high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and stroke 3. osteoporosis and kidney stones 4. stomach cancer 5. obesity 6. susceptible to colds 7. more wrinkles.
  A survey by the University of London found that in 2010, there were about 7,000 stomach cancer patients in the UK, and about a quarter of them (1,694 patients) were associated with excessive salt intake. It is true that eating too much salt over a long period of time may increase the risk of stomach cancer.
  According to Tencent News, it says a 27-year-old woman in Taiwan chewed gum for 8 hours a day and ate so hard that she couldn’t even open her jaw. Doctors took a lot of setbacks to help her open her mouth.
  These examples tell us the hard truth: having the mind of greed can lead to all kinds of sufferings of diseases .
  If sentient beings did not have greed, they would not have these sufferings of sickness.

  6. Greed produces the suffering of downfall and aging

  If a person eats specially or prefers a certain kind of food, he or she will definitely get sick, and he or she will get sick quickly. Once a person is sick, even if he or she is beautiful, he or she will look sick and senile. In this way, the suffering of downfall and aging will follow .
  For example, people who crave for eating sugar age faster than people who don’t eat sugar. Look at those who are older, who live to more than 80 years old, and even 90 years old, 100 years old, there are not a few ones with heavy tastes.Whether they eat any tasty food, they are lightly tasted. No matter they love sweet or spicy food, they eat it continuously and must be completely satisfied each time. You can see that in ten or twenty years’ time, the aging of those who have a partial greed for a taste will not be the same as those who eat a light diet. Why?
  Because greed tends to eat too much, and eating too much tends to cause the brain to become unresponsive, and to accelerate the aging of the brain. This is the suffering of downfall and aging brought about by greed. Some experts have found by the research that frequent eating increases the growth factors in the brain, which reduces the oxygen and nutrients in the brain, and causes memory loss and dullness of thought, and accelerates the aging of the brain.
  If sentient beings do not have the mind of greed, there would be not the suffering of downfall and aging.

  7. Greed produces the suffering of death

  Greed produces the suffering of death, which is also discussed in the Buddhist scriptures. The Buddha said, “There are nine causes and conditions that a person’s life should end abnormally instead of not ending: 1. It is also said:One have rice instead of eating rice, meaning that one is not satisfied with his rice ,and one should not eat with the four seasons, and one should have more rice after eating rice.2.Those who do not measure rice are those who do not know how to eat in moderation and eat more than enough. 3. Those do not eat at the right time.
  From the above quotation, we can see that eating and eating, eating without restraint and limit, eating too much, eating too enough, eating out of time, not being able to keep a good fast, etc. will make people’s lives be exhausted instead of not being exhausted, and die instead of not dying.
  Also, according to the China News Net, Lanzhou September 27, 2011, reporter (Feng Zhijun ) from Pingliang City Public Security Bureau of Gansu, was informed that a certain vice director with the surname of Cao of the city’s civilization office was killed at home on the night of the 23rd, with more than 50 stab wounds.
  According to the investigation, it was his mistress who did. Through the scene investigation, Cao’s body has more than 50 knife wounds, a kitchen knife was placed on the bed and there was the floor blood traces of man-made wipe. When the detection work was carried out, the suspect Zhao surrendered to the Public Security Bureau at 11 o’clock that day.
  After trial, Zhao is from Jingchuan County,Pingliang City, and the victim Cao met a year ago on the bus from Jingchuan to Pingliang. In May this year, Zhao and Cao repeatedly had sex. In the course of getting along with each other, Zhao thought that Cao was not loyal to her, and became cynical and angry and wanted to break off the relationship with Cao. But Cao Mou still stalked him, Zhao Mou was worried that the exposure of things would destroy his own normal life, so the idea of killing Cao Mou arised. Later at 10:00 pm on September 23, Zhao came to Cao’s house under the pretense of living with him and put the pre-prepared sleeping pills into Cao’s glass of water while he was unprepared, and then used a kitchen knife to chop him to death after he was paralyzed. If Cao is not greedy for Zhao’s lust, not entangled with her, Zhao will not think that Cao is not dedicated to his love, and will not be cynical, not to mention the idea of killing Cao, and even eventually cut him to death with a knife. But Cao was greedy again and again, made a mistake again and again, and eventually died of his own greed.
  If sentient beings did not have greed, there would be no such horrible sufferings of death.

  8. Greed produces the suffering of birth

  Since the cause and condition of birth are filled with the affliction of greed, such as greed for sex and greed for food, the result caused by it is suffering. The child is born with the suffering of being filed with a knife, frozen, or boiled in water, and the mother naturally suffers the suffering of a near escape, the suffering of walking through the gate of a ghost, the suffering of having the skin and flesh torn open, and the suffering of punishment by hacking process.It takes the child’s risking his life, the mother’s risking her life, and the midwife’s risking her life, all three of them risk their lives together, and use a lot of trouble before the child is born. All of this is unbearable suffering, but because of their foolishness and perversion, sentient beings still celebrate the birth of a new life in various forms using suffering as happiness.
  When the seeds of greed are planted, and the causes and conditions of greed for sex and food are fulfilled, they will carry on with these greed karmas for the next life when they bear fruits, so how can they not be born? Thus, the suffering of birth naturally manifests itself. Why is birth so bitter?
  Here is a mere law of cause ,condition and effect: All dharmas or things arise from their own origination of conditions. Shakyamuni Buddha preached that all dharmas and all human beings and things have a previous cause. When their cause and condition are mixed and harmonized, the effect or the result is produced; when their cause and condition are finished, the effect or the result disappears. When the cause and condition of birth are ripe, the fruit of the suffering of birth will be born. Conversely, when the cause and condition of birth are finished, the fruit of the suffering of birth will disappear.
  If sentient beings do not have the mind of greed, there will be no such suffering of birth.
  In summary, no matter who the person is, as long as he or she has greed and gives play to it, the eight sufferings will be connected.

  Chapter 3 Conclusion

  As long as sentient beings give play to greedy, the eight sufferings are bound to arise. Who else is willing to be greedy and dare to be greedy? Who else is willing to be greedy for food or for sex? Who else is willing to follow greed? I believe that those who are wise will naturally make their own wise choices. Let’s encourage each other: If you stay away from greed, you will stay away from the eight sufferings; if you stay away from greed forever, you will stay away from the eight sufferings forever!


  I. Ancient texts (in chronological order of dynasties)

  1. [Wu] Translated by Zhuruyan and Zhiyue: Sutra on Buddhist Medicine Spoken by the Buddha, Chapter 1, Dazheng Sutra Treasure, vol. 17.
  2. [Yao Qin] Translated by Kumarajiva: Sutra of Brief Discipline When the Buddha Was Near Under Nirvana, Chapter 1, Dazheng Sutra Treasure, vol. 12.
  3. [Sui] Translated by Gautama Fazhi: Sutra of the Buddha’s Explanation for the Elder Shou Jia of Distinctions in Karmic Retribution, Chapter 1, Dazheng Sutra Treasure,vol. 1.
  4. [Tang]Translated by Shikonanda: Sutra of the Past Vows of Earth Store Boddhisattva, Chapter 4, Dazheng Sutra Treasure , vol. 13.
  5. [Tang]Translated by Yi Jing: Sutra of Bathing Buddha’s Merit and Virtue ,Dazheng Sutra Treasure, vol. 16.
  6. [Song] Compiled by Zong Xiao: LeBangWenLei, Chapter 5, Dazhengzang Sutra Treasure, vol. 47.

  II. Other

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  2. Chen Yiyun, Web address : https://heho.com.tw/archives/40026, retrieved on September 5, 2021.
  3. lost author,website name: sbs Cantonese, website address: https://www.sbs.com.au/chinese/cantonese/zh-hant/south-africa-found-a-new-covid- variants-which-has-increased-transmissibility-than-delta, retrieval date: 5 September 2021.
  4. low-carbon ketogenic light fasting science blogger, website name: Zhihu, website address: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/35064121?fbclid= IwAR1MwNmv9ICio6v8jTcpAaA73KJ0YYDyJpEDkhhjhZBBIE7C5FdZG4OecUc, retrieval date: September 5, 2021.
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