The profound merit and benefit of reciting the name of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata


At that time the World Honored One said to Ananda:

“The merit and virtue of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata, which I have just extolled, is the extremely profound practice of all Buddhas. It is difficult to fathom and to comprehend. Do you believe it or not?”

Ananda said, “Greatly virtuous World Honored One, I have absolutely no doubts regarding the Sutras spoken by the Tathagata. Why? Because all Buddhas’ karmas of body, speech and mind are pure.

World Honored One, the sun and moon could fall, Wonderfully High, the king of mountains, could be toppled or shaken, but the words of the Buddhas never change.”

“World Honored One, there are sentient beings deficient in faith who hear about the extremely profound practices of all Buddhas and think to themselves, ‘How could one obtain such supreme merit and benefit merely by reciting the name of a single Buddha, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata?’

Due to this lack of faith, they give rise to slander. During the long night, they lose great benefit and joy and fall into the evil destinies, where they wander ceaselessly”

The Buddha told Ananda, “If these sentient beings hear the name of the World Honored One, Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata and sincerely accept and uphold it without any doubts, they cannot possibly fall into the evil destinies.

The text emphasizes the profound merit and benefit of reciting the name of Medicine Master Vaidurya Light Tathagata. It highlights the importance of faith and warns against the consequences of doubting the Buddha’s words. The passage asserts that sincere acceptance and upholding of the Buddha’s name can prevent falling into the evil destinies.


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