1.2. What Are All Beings Doing? – Chasing After Delusions In A Dream.

1.2.1 Chasing After The Five Desires:

“Just for the illusory pleasures from Five Desires,”

Specifically, it’s all for the illusory pleasures of the five desires.

For the sake of these illusory[1] (like a dream[2], an illusion) pleasures of the five desires[3],

Sentient beings work tirelessly throughout their lives, all for the fleeting pleasures of eating, drinking, and playing. Once they fall ill due to excessive indulgence, they must spend money on treatment, effectively paying for their suffering with their own hard-earned money.

For example, they spend money to satisfy their appetites, greedily consuming their favorite foods without restraint. Although they may have occasional moments of fear, they remain hopeful, thinking that a little more indulgence won’t harm them, as they haven’t fallen seriously ill yet, nor have they suddenly become senile.

Little did I know that the more I eat, the faster I die, the dumber I become. The subtle changes have been intensifying, making it difficult to purify the three karmic actions. It’s hard to return to the spiritual insights of the past.

Furthermore, most people today suffer from overnutrition, which inevitably leads to nutritional imbalances. This will result in hundreds of diseases simultaneously, although the severity of these diseases varies from person to person, and people often fail to recognize them.

It’s all for the sake of these illusory pleasures of the five desires. They feel a sense of pleasure and impulsively indulge in it. Due to the limitations of the lyrics, it’s not just about the pleasures of the five desires. When something goes against their desires, they feel anger, and this feeling of anger leads to impulsive aggression. When the feeling of pleasure arises, they impulsively pursue it. Moreover, they firmly believe in their delusions, confidently engaging in these behaviors. Whether it’s the impulse to pursue the pleasures of the five desires or the impulse of anger that goes against their desires, these are all illusory gains and losses. You haven’t truly gained anything, nor have you truly lost anything. You’re simply living a superficial and meaningless life. This is the state of all sentient beings.

[1] 《阿毘達磨發智論》卷2:「夢名何法?答:諸睡眠時心心所法於所緣轉。彼覺已,隨憶,能為他說:「我已夢見如是、如是事。」是謂夢。」(CBETA, T26, no. 1544, p. 925c2-4)

《釋氏稽古略》卷4:「夢即是幻。」(CBETA, T49, no. 2037, p. 894b7-8)

《大乘寶雲經》卷1〈2 十波羅蜜品(一-二)〉:「如來常說一切境界如夢、如幻,皆是虛妄。何有智者於諸境界——如夢、幻等——而生貪欲?」(CBETA 2023.Q4, T16, no. 659, p. 245c22-24)

[2] 《阿毘達磨發智論》卷2:「夢名何法?答:諸睡眠時心心所法於所緣轉。彼覺已,隨憶,能為他說:「我已夢見如是、如是事。」是謂夢。」(CBETA, T26, no. 1544, p. 925c2-4)

《釋氏稽古略》卷4:「夢即是幻。」(CBETA, T49, no. 2037, p. 894b7-8)

《大乘寶雲經》卷1〈2 十波羅蜜品(一-二)〉:「如來常說一切境界如夢、如幻,皆是虛妄。何有智者於諸境界——如夢、幻等——而生貪欲?」(CBETA 2023.Q4, T16, no. 659, p. 245c22-24)

[3] 欲是習氣而已,是妄想、編織、融通的動力。意是妄想、是編織、是融通,但不是慾。因此,我們常常把五根追逐五塵成為五欲。

《增壹阿含經》卷12:「所謂五欲者是。云何為五?眼見色,為起眼識,甚愛敬念,世人所喜。若耳聞聲、鼻嗅香、舌知味、身知細滑,甚愛敬念,世人所喜。」(CBETA, T02, no. 125, p. 605a2-5)

《四教儀註彙補輔宏記》卷10:「止觀四(二十)云。五塵非欲。而其中有味。能生行人須欲之心。故言五欲。常能牽人入諸魔境。雖具前緣。攝心難立。是故須訶。乃至此五過患者。色如熱金丸。執之則燒。聲如塗毒鼓。聞之必死。香如憋龍氣。齅之則病。味如沸蜜。湯舌則爛。如蜜塗刀。䑛之則傷。觸如臥師子。近之則齧。上代」(CBETA 2023.Q3, X57, no. 980, pp. 960c21-961a2 // R102, p. 820a9-14 // Z 2:7, p. 410c9-14)

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