The Delusional Series
Compiled according to the teachings of the Master
Author: Fafu
The Delusional Series: Part 10 –30 Inner Journey 15
Great compassion is pure compassion, but it is difficult for most to maintain its purity. The three poisons invariably obstruct it. Self-sacrifice directly breaks through these obstructions. Regardless of what one sacrifices, great compassion will remain pure. At least, one can achieve something. Great compassion is simply pure compassion. If impurities are introduced, it ceases to be great compassion. This easily leads to a transactional exchange. Foolish beings often transform the best things into something less than ideal. They might trade two mountains for two loaves of bread. For the sake of two loaves of bread, they stoop. For the sake of three dou of rice, they bow. As a result, they lose two mountains and gain only two loaves of bread, or even worse, incur misfortune. This is something to be truly cautious of!
(Bodhisattvas cultivate sixteen practices to accumulate great compassion.)
With great compassion as the root, all other virtues will naturally blossom. Only in this way can great compassion be fully realized.