The Delusional Series: Part 12 –40 Ignorance 4


The Delusional Series

Compiled according to the teachings of the Master

Author: Fafu

The Delusional Series: Part 12 –40 Ignorance 4

Understanding the illusory nature of existence is of paramount importance. Just as one can experience profound suffering and even death in dreams, so too can one experience similar states in the waking dream. The key difference lies in the ability to awaken from these states. In dreams, one can awaken and return to the waking state. Similarly, through spiritual practice, one can awaken from the illusory nature of this world. However, many people are reluctant to awaken, fearing that they will lose the pleasures and comforts of their current existence. They cling to the illusory world, seeking pleasure and avoiding pain. Yet, true happiness and liberation lie beyond the realm of illusion, in the realm of eternal bliss and purity.

Once you awaken from a dream, can anything from that dream continue to afflict you? If you were to delve into a dream, would there be any obstacles? Of course not. It is simply a matter of perception. If you perceive something as an obstacle, it becomes one. Conversely, if you perceive it as illusory, it ceases to be an obstacle. Similarly, if we perceive this reality as a dream, it will not hinder us. The belief in its inherent reality is what creates obstacles. As the mind is fundamental, it can manifest whatever it conceives. It is merely a matter of whether one’s perceptions are correct or mistaken.

The concept of “wishing for something and having it come true” is often misunderstood. While it’s true that if one plans correctly and executes without error, their desires can be fulfilled, the problem lies in the nature of those desires. Most beings desire happiness, comfort, and ease, but these desires are often based on misconceptions and faulty plans. Consequently, the outcomes of such desires are not as expected and often lead to suffering. This is because the paths chosen to attain these desires are inherently flawed. The pursuit of pleasure often leads to pain. To truly understand illusions, one must not only recognize their existence but also grasp the intricate relationship between causes, conditions, and effects. When one desires a particular outcome, they must cultivate the corresponding causes without error. If the causes are incorrect, the desired effect will not be achieved. The pursuit of an unattainable goal only leads to frustration.

The depth of one’s understanding of illusion determines their ability to transcend it. Once one truly comprehends the illusory nature of existence, they naturally cease to cling to it as real. They no longer feel the need to pursue external goals, as they have detached themselves from erroneous views, causes, and conditions. In the realm of illusion, one’s thoughts, actions, and experiences are also illusory, and thus free from error. At this stage, one can manifest whatever they desire without attachment or aversion. This detachment involves letting go of incorrect views, causes, conditions, and the belief in the inherent reality of phenomena. There is no need for specific methods or techniques, as the understanding of illusion naturally leads to liberation. This is similar to waking from a dream. Regardless of how vivid or terrifying a dream may be, upon awakening, one realizes its illusory nature and is no longer bound by it.


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