The Delusional Series: Part 14 –46 Central Command of Afflictions 2


The Delusional Series

Compiled according to the teachings of the Master

Author: Fafu

The Delusional Series: Part 14 –46 Central Command of Afflictions 2

In the intermediate stage, you must discern the outcomes produced by the delusion’s methods. By the final stage, you will have a crystal-clear understanding of how each of its movements harms you. When you have such precise knowledge of its every harmful action, you will develop a profound aversion to it, and it will be completely exposed. However, upon reaching the ultimate stage, regardless of the delusions’ machinations, you will no longer be deceived. You will fully comprehend the consequences because you have already ascertained them. After years of training, you will undoubtedly know the ultimate outcome of these delusions.

From a broader perspective, let us consider the student. Delusions impede their studies. For the working individual, they hinder their work. In family life, they disrupt harmony. In essence, delusions obstruct the fulfillment of one’s immediate duties in life. This, in itself, is terrifying. Furthermore, delusions often conjure up causeless effects, leading one to imagine various outcomes. However, the results of many things are contingent upon our actions; merely pondering them does not bring them to fruition. Time passes while we are lost in thought, leaving us without the desired results.

Once you truly comprehend delusions, you will understand why they are called the “demons of affliction” that lead to self-harm and self-destruction. This is merely a superficial understanding. If we delve deeper, we will see that delusions not only hinder our progress but also cause us to experience emotional turmoil. This constant upheaval, this endless cycle of highs and lows, exhausts us. Yet, we fail to realize that it is the delusion that instigates these emotional fluctuations.

We have all experienced this countless times. Isn’t it clear that delusions are designed to harm us? Moreover, our emotional instability frightens those who care about us. They become wary, distancing themselves out of fear. When you finally comprehend the subtle ways in which delusions harm you, you will realize that you must never follow their lead.

Delusions serve as the headquarters and strategic command center for all afflictions. They formulate battle plans, determining how to besiege and plunder your virtues, wisdom, and abilities. In essence, they are the commanders-in-chief while you are merely the executor, mindlessly carrying out their destructive orders. You might even believe this to be a good thing, so blindly do you follow their instructions.

You have never truly examined these delusions, nor have you understood their nature. This process of investigation is what we call spiritual practice; it is the most direct and rapid path to enlightenment. No other method can surpass it, for it addresses the root cause directly. As the Buddha taught, “One cannot pluck a leaf while seeking the root.”


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