The Delusional Series: Part 8 –Illusory 12(Upper)


The Delusional Series

Compiled according to the teachings of the Master

Author: Fafu

The Delusional Series: Part 8 –Illusory 12


These teachings require constant and meticulous study. Only through profound investigation can one truly grasp the essence of Dharma. For the disciples who followed the Buddha during His time, a mere hint was sufficient to illuminate their understanding due to their advanced spiritual cultivation. However, for those of you, I must expound upon these teachings in great detail, time and time again. Yet, many of you seem indifferent to my efforts.

Omniscience encompasses all knowledge and understanding. Specific wisdom, on the other hand, is cultivated through systematic training. Without this training, even possessing the potential for omniscience is of no use. It is akin to having a car but not knowing how to drive. One must practice and hone their skills to become proficient. Similarly, to attain omniscience, one must diligently cultivate their wisdom. Delusions and attachments hinder the realization of omniscience. While the potential for omniscience exists within all beings, it remains dormant without cultivation. Those who neglect their practice are merely deluding themselves. To begin this training, one must first familiarize themselves with the teachings, memorizing the sequence and methods. Through consistent practice, one can eventually master these skills, just as one learns to drive a car. Therefore, it is said that even the poorest of monks may possess great spiritual wealth, but it is their lack of practice that hinders their progress. Foolish beings discard wisdom as if it were worthless, preferring instead to dwell on delusions and attachments. They are like those who hoard excrement while discarding precious treasures.

These teachings should be pondered upon and memorized gradually.

The wisdom of a Tathagata pervades all things. Why? Because all beings are endowed with the wisdom of a Tathagata, but due to delusions, misconceptions, and attachments, they fail to realize it. If one can let go of these delusions, all wisdom—perfect wisdom, natural wisdom, and unimpeded wisdom—will manifest.

Just as the wisdom of a Tathagata is immeasurable, boundless, and capable of benefiting all beings, it is inherent in all sentient beings. However, ordinary beings, deluded and attached, remain unaware of this and fail to benefit from it.

How strange it is that all beings possess the wisdom of a Tathagata yet are so foolish and deluded that they cannot see it! I shall teach you the noble path so that you may forever abandon delusions and attachments and discover the vast wisdom of a Tathagata within yourselves.

The great compassion of the Buddhas causes them to appear in the world to help beings abandon delusions.

Read this daily and reflect upon it. Consider how foolish it is to cling to harmful delusions and attachments while neglecting the wisdom that already resides within you. And yet, such foolish beings often believe themselves to be enlightened.

The Bodhisattva Mahasattva cultivates sixteen aspects of great compassion. If you have already memorized these and are diligently practicing them, and intend to continue doing so forever, please advise us on how to swiftly attain enlightenment.


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