Ritual to Observe Eight Precepts

Ritual to Observe Eight Precepts

Translated into English by HE, YUPING (Enid) on June 24, 2024

My name is so-and-so.
I only hope that the master will accept me.
From now on, I will develop pure faith until I sit on the bodhi field and attain the perfect enlightenment.
I vow to take refuge in the Buddha, the supreme being full of Bliss and Wisdom;
I vow to take refuge in the Dharma, the supreme being of detachment from desire;
I vow to take refuge in the Sangha, the supreme being of discipline.
These are the Three Jewels to which I take refuge.
I, so-and-so, a lay Buddhist with pure faith, only hope that the master will remember and protect me.
From this day and this hour, I will develop a pure mind until after midnight and until the sun rises tomorrow morning.
In the meantime, I will observe the eight precepts.
These are:

  1. Do not kill;
  2. Do not steal;
  3. Do not engage in unrighteous conduct;
  4. Do not lie;
  5. Do not drink alcohol;
  6. Do not eat at inappropriate times (One meal per day at the midday);
  7. Do not adorn one’s body with garlands, sing, dance, or play;
  8. Do not sit or lie on a high and wide bed (Pursuit of a cozy even a luxurious life).
    I now abandon all these things and vow not to abandon the eight virtues of pure precepts.
    Quoted from Sutra of the Eight Ways to Cultivate Merits

Merits obtained from Observing the Eight Precepts
“If one sincerely accepts the Three Refuges, the merits and rewards he will receive will be greater than all the treasures in vaults.”
“Wholesome man, if one can take refuge in this pure way and receive the eight precepts, the Five Cardinal Sins will be eliminated, and all other sins will be completely eradicated as well.
“If one can observe the eight precepts, he or she can also enjoy the happiness of humans and gods, and even the supreme bliss.”
Quoted from Upasaka Sūtra

Original Buddhist Transcripts in Chinese
西天译经三藏朝散大夫试鸿胪卿传梵大师赐紫沙门臣法护等奉 诏译
 我今归命胜菩提  最上清净佛法众
 我发广大菩提心  自他利益皆成就
 忏除一切不善业  随喜无边众福蕴
 先当不食一日中  后修八众长养法 
 我发无二最上心  为诸众生不请友
 胜菩提行善所行  成佛世间广利益
 愿我乘是善业故  此世不久成正觉
 说法饶益于世间  解说众生三有苦

优婆塞戒经 八斋戒品第二十一