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What is Wholesome Man or Unwholesome Man?

(Definition of Wholesome Man)
Translated by HE, YUPING (Enid)
According to the instructions of the Advisor of Buddhas’ Practice Incorporated

Thus have I heard:
Once upon a time, the Buddha was residing in the Jeta Grove, the Garden of Anathapindika, in the city of Sravasti.

At that time, the World Honored One addressed the Bhikkhus, “There are unwholesome men and wholesome men. Listen attentively, ponder well, and I will explain to you.
What is an unwholesome man? He who conducts Killing, (Stealing, False Conduct, False Speech, Divisive Speech, Evil Speech, Idle Talk, Greed, Hatred, and False Views,) even up to holds False Views, is called an unwholesome man.
What is a wholesome man? He who does not conduct Killing, (Stealing, False Conduct, False Speech, Divisive Speech, Evil Speech, Idle Talk, Greed, Hatred, and False Views,) even up to holds Right Views, is called a Wholesome Man.”
When the Buddha had spoken this sutra, the Bhikkhus, having heard the Buddha’s words, were delighted to practice them.

Quoted from:

Original Chinese Transcripts:

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