I Am Grateful to You, My Teacher


Author: Fafu

You have sacrificed your own well-being, enduring even the most adverse conditions, all for the sake of cultivating faith in others.

You have bestowed upon us the wisdom of the Buddha, illuminating our minds and empowering us to embody the Bodhisattva’s aspirations.

In this dark and defiled world, you have brought forth the light of clarity and the sweetness of spiritual awakening.

You have tirelessly labored to establish the Buddha’s teachings, selflessly giving of yourself to help all beings.

With unwavering patience, you have borne the burdens of countless sentient beings, personally attending to every detail.

You have sacrificed yourself to cultivate the roots of virtue and the seeds of awakening in others, exhausting yourself to lay the foundation for their spiritual growth. You have nurtured the very source of my Dharma body and wisdom mind.

Even though I am an unworthy being, you have taken upon yourself the responsibility of guiding me on every step of my spiritual journey, offering me your unwavering support.

Just as waves cannot separate from the ocean, your compassion for all beings knows no bounds. No matter how flawed, malicious, lowly, or deluded we may be, you have always met us with perfect skill and boundless compassion, patiently guiding us towards enlightenment.

You have dispelled the darkness of ignorance and confusion, illuminating the path of the Buddha before me.

In this dark and defiled world, you have brought forth the light of clarity and the sweetness of spiritual awakening.

With profound gratitude, I offer this heartfelt tribute to you, my esteemed teacher!


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