In Praise of the Spiritual Master


Author: Zi lian

In the vast expanse of the universe and the tumultuous sea of samsara, the grace of our Root Guru shines resplendently. Like a radiant star illuminating the void of our souls, the Guru’s virtues and compassion are as boundless as the ocean and as gentle as a spring rain, nourishing the hearts of all beings.

Our Root Guru possesses wisdom as deep as the sea, comprehending the mysteries of the cosmos and the true nature of existence. With supreme intelligence, the Guru dispels the ignorance of all sentient beings and guides us along the path of liberation with profound teachings. The Guru’s words, like the resounding tones of a great bell, awaken our slumbering minds and inspire us to strive for enlightenment.

Compassion is the very nature of our Root Guru. Treating all beings as their own children, the Guru embraces all with loving-kindness and compassion. The suffering of sentient beings is the Guru’s suffering, and their joy is the Guru’s joy. Untiring and fearless, the Guru dedicates everything to the liberation of all beings. The Guru’s compassionate light, warm as the sun, dispels the darkness within our hearts and illuminates our path forward.

Our Root Guru is of the highest moral character, as pure as a lotus blooming from the mud. Upholding the precepts with utmost diligence, the Guru sets an exemplary standard for us to follow. The Guru’s humility is as vast as the earth, bearing all without arrogance; the Guru’s tolerance is as boundless as the ocean, encompassing all without anger. The Guru’s virtues are like a towering mountain, inspiring us to strive for greater heights, even though we may not reach the summit.

We are fortunate to have encountered our Root Guru. It is as if a blind person has regained their sight or a lost traveler has found a guiding star. We are deeply grateful for the Guru’s compassionate care and guidance. The Guru’s kindness is as heavy as Mount Tai and as deep as the ocean. With sincere devotion, we vow to follow the Guru’s teachings, diligently practice, and carry on the Guru’s lineage, spreading the light of the Dharma.

On this Teacher’s Day, I compose this ode to extol the virtues of our Root Guru. May the Guru enjoy perfect health, happiness, and may the Dharma continue to flow through the Guru. May the Guru’s teachings shine brightly for countless generations, and may the Guru’s example stand as an eternal beacon for all to admire.


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