The Delusional Series: Part 2 – Weaving is a Hallmark of Delusion 2


The Delusional Series

Compiled according to the teachings of the Master

Author: Fafu

The Delusional Series: Part 2 – Weaving is a Hallmark of Delusion 2

The entire consciousness merely extracts and combines these elements: your worries, your perceptions, and the present moment before your eyes. It continuously deals you cards, like a film. While we indulge in these fantasies, it’s as if we’re watching a movie. We may believe we are the ones creating these fantasies, but in reality, it’s all automated. Often, we have little to no involvement; it simply happens automatically.

Therefore, we should understand that all our thoughts, including the fabrications we weave, are not the truth. When we construct an image of someone in our minds, it’s never the real them. For we do not know the true essence of another person; we merely observe their surface or associate them with events that have happened to others. Subsequently, we begin to weave a narrative, creating a version of them that is not truly them. Yet, we stubbornly believe that the image we have woven is the real person.

Every thought, every fabrication, is a form of weaving. This weaving requires horizontal and vertical threads, which are composed of our memories, our past experiences. We apply our past experiences with this person, as well as our experiences with others, onto them. We assume that because others have behaved in a certain way, this person will too. As a result, the image we weave is entirely different from the actual person. Nevertheless, we firmly believe that our fabricated image is the truth.

Hence, everyone weaves these fantasies, and everyone is mistaken. We all indulge in self-deception with great confidence. This is the nature of weaving.

When we speak of delusions, remember that they are essentially fabrications. The emphasis lies in the act of weaving. These fabrications draw upon the totality of our past experiences and perceptions, including our feelings about various things, our judgments of good or bad, and the definitions we attributed to those experiences at the time. All these serve as the raw materials for our delusions.

Therefore, when discussing delusions, we must understand that they are constructed. And constructions require materials. Once we grasp this fundamental concept, we realize that the core of delusions is fabrication.

Consequently, the delusions we weave are bound to diverge from reality. For reality encompasses countless experiences and perceptions that we have yet to encounter. How can we accurately fabricate something we have never experienced? Every fabrication is an error, leading to a multitude of subjective interpretations. We cling firmly to these fabrications, believing them to be the truth, when in fact, they are not. Adding even the slightest embellishment distorts the truth, let alone the multitude of embellishments we typically add.


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