The Delusional Series: Part 5 – Inference 7(Middle)


The Delusional Series

Compiled according to the teachings of the Master

Author: Fafu

The Delusional Series: Part 5Inference 7


Instead of labeling things as useful or useless, good or bad, we should refrain from imposing such subjective judgments. By doing so, we avoid creating negative karma that could limit our future experiences. It is important to maintain an open mind and avoid dismissing anything outright. For example, someone who disregards the value of diamonds may find themselves in a situation where diamonds hold no significance. Conversely, those who appreciate the value of diamonds may find them to be a source of wealth or happiness. The perceived value of an object is subjective and can vary greatly from person to person.

Moreover, one’s perception is inherently limited. Taking the example of a teapot, its true nature is ultimately identical to one’s own true nature. Both are the result of karma, the law of cause and effect. The teapot, as perceived by an individual, is merely a manifestation of their own karma. However, the underlying causes and conditions that give rise to the teapot’s appearance are far more complex and subtle than what can be grasped through ordinary senses. To truly comprehend the essence of the teapot, one would require supernatural powers. Without such powers, our understanding is necessarily limited.

Everything we perceive is merely a manifestation of karma. Our physical bodies themselves are products of past actions. Through these bodies, we continue to create new karma, often of a negative nature.

It is imperative to refrain from harming others, especially our parents. To cultivate positive karma, one should rejoice in the virtuous actions of all beings, including the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and ordinary sentient beings. By rejoicing in the merit and virtue of others, one accumulates positive karma and paves the way for future happiness and liberation.

Ultimately, the karma one creates will rebound upon oneself. In this degenerate age, it is difficult to find beings who are truly virtuous. Engaging in negative actions, such as harming others, will only lead to negative consequences for oneself.

It is essential to avoid indulging in idle speculation and instead focus on understanding the nature of reality as a product of cause and effect. Every perception and experience is an opportunity to create new karma. By skillfully utilizing our senses and experiences, we can cultivate positive karma and improve our future lives. Neglecting to do so will result in missed opportunities for spiritual growth and liberation.


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